
Ricoh GX100 arrival, couple of snap-shots..

July 11, 2008

The Ricoh GX100 arrived yesterday after some struggle with the spanish customs, but it´s finally here. Haven´t had much time to play with it, but after only 24 hours toghether I allready have strong feelings..


RicohGX100, f2.5, 1/9, 5,1mm, iso200, B&W JPEG Processed in PS

RicohGX100, f2.5, 1/9, 5,1mm, iso200, B&W JPEG Processed in PS

 The GX100 is a bit bigger than the LX2, and ergonomically it is a charm. It is fairly better to handle and fits (my) hand like a glove. The overall construction and finish of the camera is of very high quality and the control layout is as clever as it could be..Much had I read about this camera, but as good as I knew the controls were, one thing is reading about them and another thing is to actually use tha camera..


RicohGX100, f3.6, 1/540, 5,1mm, iso80, B&W JPEG unprocessed

RicohGX100, f3,6, 1/540, 5,1mm, iso80, B&W JPEG Unprocessed

 The camera has a number of highly customizable buttons and controls that make shooting with it real joy. There is one button in particular, the “function” button, that you can personalize and assign any custom option you want. I inmediately assigned exposure lock to it. The GX100 has a feature that I really like and find really usefull for street shooting in difficult light conditions:spot-metering. Using the spot meter in aperture priority toghether with the exposure lock button makes this camera as easy and fast to use as it could be..This is actually the way I have allways used my DSLR´s..Fun!!


RicohGX100, f5.7, 1/1410, 5.1mm, iso80, B&W JPEG, Unprocessed

RicohGX100, f5.7, 1/1410, 5,1mm, iso80, B&W JPEG Unprocessed

Having 24mm on the wide end is something to wellcome but it will take a bit to get used to the 4:3 aspect ratio, I´m spoiled by 16:9 😉



RicohGX100, f4.6, 1/760, 5,1mm, iso80, B&W JPEG Unprocessed

 Just a couple of quick snaps-shots frm the GX100 today, nearly all unprocessed..hope this puts me back in track and I can start being a bit more constant!!



  1. Congrats Erik. Looking sweet and I hope you will have great fun with the camera.

  2. Congrats! I am very curious what you will do with your new photographic tool… Now we have to wait 😉

  3. I noticed you’ve posted some unprocessed b&w. I have been posting unprocessed b&w with the Ricoh R8 for a couple weeks. I have to resort to a ‘scene’ setting with almost no manual control over the exposure. I hope you put more up this way, so I can use them as a source for comparisons. I wish I had more time to devote to using the R8…. maybe one day!

  4. Congratulations to your new arrival. I knew you could not resist the temptation for long ;).
    The first pictures look very good, really like the first and last one.
    Looking forward to read more about how you get along with, the differences between the LX2 and of course see more pictures.

  5. Thanks for the comments! You are right, Cris, the temptation was too strong for my weak “flesh”..;-)

    Unprocessed JPEG´s of the GX100 can be amazing if exposed properly and the correct in-camera settings chosen. Really amazing little camera!


  6. It’ll be a big change having everyone switch over to your new blog address, but probably definitely worth the trouble. I hope all is well at your end!

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